The Impact of Household Food Security on Child Nutritional Status in Zambia

2020 ARC Journal of Nutrition and Growth  
Section 4 concludes by giving policy recommendations. The main limitation of the study was finding a suitable proxy for household Abstract: Though Zambia is mainly an agricultural country, there still exists the lack of adequate nutrition among Zambian children. To analyse the impact of household food security on nutritional status of Zambian children, the linear probability regression model and the probit model are used. This is done by using anthropometric measures of insufficient
more » ... eight (wasting) and insufficient weight-for-age (underweight).The results from both models show that male children are more likely to be underweight in comparison to females. The presence of diarrhoea plays a significant role in child nutritional status that is the wasting measurement. A Women Dietary Diversity Score (WDDS) is created which is a proxy of household food security that reflects food availability. The probability that a child is malnourished reduces as dietary diversity increases that are from medium dietary diversity (4-5 food groups) to high dietary diversity (≥ 6 food groups). Therefore, if a child is to increase their consumption from 4-5 food groups to ≥ 6 food groups, the probability of the occurrence of malnutrition can reduce.
doi:10.20431/2455-2550.0601001 fatcat:oxylx3pkmzadzgc6cdflr5hfam