Contents Vol. 221, 2010

2010 Dermatology  
Kanelleas, A.; Zambacos, G.; Panayiotides, I.; Stavrianeas, N.G. (Athens) 13 Rituximab in Childhood Pemphigus Vulgaris: A Long-Term Follow-Up Case and Review of the Literature Fuertes, I.; Guilabert, A.; Mascaró, Jr., J.M.; Iranzo, P. (Barcelona) Virgili, A.; Zampino, M.R.; Marzola, A.; Corazza, M. (Ferrara) 63 Chloracne: Still Cause for Concern Passarini, B.; Infusino, S.D.; Kasapi, E. (Bologna) Blome, C. (Hamburg); Simianer, S. (Münster); Purwins, S.; Laass, A.; Rustenbach, S.J.; Schaefer,
more » ... Radtke, M.; Augustin, M. (Hamburg) 160 Won, C.-H.; Kim, S.M.; Lee, S.; Lee, M.-J.; Chung, J.H. (Seoul) 172 Skin and Nail Responses after 1 Year of Infliximab Therapy in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis: A Retrospective Bennaceur, S. (Paris); Edan, C.; Riffaud, L. (Rennes); Rütten, A. (Friedrichshafen); Fraitag, S. (Paris) 107 A Hairy Paradox: Congenital Triangular Alopecia with a Central Hair Tuft Assouly, P. (Paris); Happle, R. (Marburg) 110 Cobb Syndrome: Case Report and Review of the Literature Dilmé-Carreras, E.; Iglesias-Sancho, M.; Márquez-Balbás, G.; Sola-Ortigosa, J.; Umbert-Millet, P. (Barcelona) 113 X-Linked Ichthyosis along with Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa in the Same Patient Hernández-Martín, A.; Cuadrado-Corrales, N. (Madrid); Ciria-Abad, S. (Salamanca); Arias-Palomo, D. (Madrid); Mascaró-Galy, J.M. (Barcelona); Escámez, M.J.; García, M.; Del Río, M.; Torrelo, A. (Madrid); González-Sarmiento, R. (Salamanca) 117 Necrobiosis Lipoidica Therapy with Biologicals: An Ulcerated Case Responding to Etanercept and a Review of the Literature Suárez-Amor, Ó.; Pérez-Bustillo, A.; Ruiz-González, I.; Rodríguez-Prieto, M.Á. (León) Case Reports 122 Recalcitrant Pemphigus Vulgaris Responding to Systemic Tacrolimus Büsing, V.; Kern, J.S.; Bruckner-Tuderman, L.; Hofmann, S.C. (Freiburg) 127 Dermoscopy and in vivo Reflectance Confocal Microscopy of a Congenital Nevus of the Nipple Pastar, Z. (Zagreb/Graz); Massone, C.; Ahlgrimm-Siess, V.; Koller, S.; Mofarrah, R.; Hofmann-Wellenhof, R. (Graz) Boussemart, L.; Jacobelli, S.; Batteux, F.; Goulvestre, C.; Grange, P.; Carlotti, A.; Morini, J.P.; Gorin, I.; Ziza, J.M.; Avril, M.F.; Dupin, N. (Paris) 206 Generalized Solar Lentigines in a Patient with a History of Radon Exposure Mauerer, A. (Regensburg); Betz, R.C.; Pasternack, S.M. (Bonn); Landthaler, M.; Hafner, C. (Regensburg) 211 Pyoderma Gangrenosum of the Eyelid: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature Saito, N.; Yanagi, T.; Akiyama, M.; Lin, H.Y.; Kasai, S.; Fujita, Y.; Yamane, N.; Inokuma, D.; Kase, S.; Ono, K.; Minakawa, H.; Shimizu, H. (Sapporo) 236 Cost-Effectiveness of Biological Therapy in Remission Induction of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis Schmitt-Rau, K. (Hamburg/Füssen); Rosenbach, T. (Osnabrück); Radtke, M.A.; Augustin, M. (Hamburg) 243 A Common Founder Mutation in the EDA-A1 Gene in X-Linked Hypodontia Kurban, M.; Michailidis, E.; Wajid, M.; Shimomura, Y.; Christiano, A.M. (New York, N.Y.) 248 Double-Blind, Randomized, Intraindividual Comparison Study of the Efficacy of Prilocaine and Lidocaine in Tumescent Local Anesthesia Augustin, M. (Hamburg); Maier, K. (Freiburg); Sommer, B. (Karlsruhe); Sattler, G. (Darmstadt); Herberger, K. (Hamburg) 253 Cutaneous Malassezia Microbiota in Atopic Dermatitis Patients Differ by Gender and Body Part Akaza, N.; Akamatsu, H. (Toyoake); Sasaki, Y.; Takeoka, S.; Kishi, M.; Mizutani, H. (Nagoya); Sano, A.; Hirokawa, K. (Toyoake); Nakata, S. (Nagoya); Matsunaga, K. (Toyoake) 261 Association Analysis of Genes of the IL19 Cluster and Their Receptors in Vitiligo Patients Kingo, K.; Reimann, E.; Karelson, M.; Rätsep, R.; Raud, K.; Vasar, E.; Silm, H.; Kõks , S. (Tartu) 267 Pelivani, N.; Houriet, C. (Berne); Haneke, E. (Berne/Freiburg/Porto) 292 Lipschütz Genital Ulceration Associated with Mumps Chanal, J.; Carlotti, A.; Laude, H.; Wallet-Faber, N.; Avril, M.-F.; Dupin, N. (Paris) Leiomyomatosis (Reed's Syndrome)
doi:10.1159/000323056 fatcat:jhdswpqainfhxpxp3iqi6zlnxq