Spoken word recognition in quiet and noise by native and non‐native listeners: Effects of age of immersion and vocabulary size

Astrid Z. Doty, Catherine L. Rogers, Judith B. Bryant
2009 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
I dedicate this dissertation to my family, especially . . . to Jay, for being my most adamant supporter and sharing in all the uncertainties, sacrifices, and joy; to August and Ava, whose innocence and happiness revive me daily; to Mom and Dad, your desire for my success and happiness made me strive for both; to Kurt, Heidi, Christine, Michele, and Eric for your encouragement and love. to you all, I give my deepest expression of love and appreciation. ~A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
doi:10.1121/1.4784690 fatcat:qhvgazsc7zb2nomhelp6tlhpru