The Effect of Pre-treatment Methods on Membrane Flux, COD, and Total Phenol Removal Efficiencies for Membrane Treatment of Pistachio Wastewater [post]

Yasin Ozay, Nadir Dizge
2021 unpublished
In this study, the effect of pre-treatment methods was investigated for membrane treatment of pistachio wastewater. Chemical coagulation, electrocoagulation, and electrooxidation processes were tested as the pretreatment methods to understand the effect of pretreatment on membrane performance. Alum (Al2(SO4)3·18H2O), iron (III) chloride (FeCl3·6H2O) and iron(II) sulfate (Fe(SO4)·7H2O) were used as coagulant and anionic polyelectrolyte was used as flocculants. Al-Al and Fe-Fe electrode pairs
more » ... used in the electrocoagulation experiments while platinum, boron doped diamond, and graphite were used in the electrooxidation experiments. UP150, NF270, and NF90 were used as the membranes. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total phenol removal efficiencies from wastewater were determined by considering membrane flux.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:k2gopurhj5cdpl3qdi3xh35ssa