User Experience in Online Social Networks: A Qualitative Analysis of Key Activities and Associated Features

V Perotti, N Hair
2011 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Social networks have recently been identified as the most popular form of communication online. Research across a set of academic disciplines examining the nature and implications of this popular medium has begun to emerge. The importance of the network structure as well as the behaviors and motivations of member individuals and organizations are gradually becoming better understood. However, there is relatively little work to tie the behaviors of individuals with specific features in social
more » ... works, particularly given the complexity of considering multiple devices and contexts for use. We describe an analysis of the rich data obtained through 86 qualitative interviews on social network features and how they are valued by users. Key user activities are identified and related to specific social network features. The results could help to inform the ongoing discussion about "monetization" of social networks.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2011.471 dblp:conf/hicss/PerottiH11 fatcat:fuk5uxk7r5fwbjq5v7znqjwp54