Analysis of Animal Models of Alopecia Areata(AA) Based on Clinical Features of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

Huan LI, Ming BAI, Yan-yan MIAO, Xiao-yan FANG, Ming-san MIAO
2017 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Engineering 2017 (BBE 2017)   unpublished
Objective: Analysis of alopecia areata animal model production methods, characteristics and characteristics of Chinese and Western alopecia areata anastomosis. Methods: To summarize the characteristics of the alopecia areata animal model, according to alopecia areata diagnosis and clinical characteristics of Chinese and Western medicine,to analyze the anastomosis of the alopecia areata model and the corresponding clinical symptoms, and to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the existing
more » ... alopecia areata model and the improvement suggestions. Results: At present, there are few methods of alopecia areata, which cannot reflect the clinical symptoms of alopecia areata, not only lack the disease model which can reflect the characteristics of Alopecia areata, but also lack the method of evaluating alopecia areata. Conclusion: The establishment of alopecia areata evaluation method feasible, the establishment of disease combined with alopecia areata model is the focus of future research. 113 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
doi:10.2991/bbe-17.2017.19 fatcat:lc6ceov5ijeodm2buluws2gcwi