Review: Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry. Activism, innovation, and the environment in an era of globalization, by David J. Hess

Enzo Ferrara
2008 Electronic Green Journal  
and director of the program in Ecological Economics, Values, and Policy. He is a longtime leader in his field; his previous books, like "Science and Technology in a Multicultural World" (1995), and "Science Studies: An Advanced Introduction" (1997), provide a thorough assessment of the impact of science and technology in various social settings. His most recent title, "Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry", examines how social movements and other forms of activism can affect innovation
more » ... n science, technology, and industry, rather than merely opposing them.
doi:10.5070/g312610752 fatcat:wqpx3ks7a5ckzfsq3suqq6zjre