Language Games in Turkish and Russian Television Commercials

2016 Journal of Literature and Art Studies  
 Advertisement and presentation of a product is the most important stage in the process of marketing. Product advertisement mostly benefits from the audiovisual commercials and advertisements on mass media (television, radio, newspaper, magazine, poster, brochure, Internet etc.). Today, TV, radio and Internet are considered to have great importance among the most widely used means of mass media. Initial advertisement for each product plays a significant role in getting a bigger market share
more » ... that product. Thus, manufacturing companies need brands, taglines, catchphrases and jingles for their commercials broadcasted on mass media. Astonishing words or expressions which catch the consumers' attention play a highly significant role in commercials. Slogans which are created sometimes using melodious or rhythmical expressions, and imperatives, or sometimes slang and daily language support convincing power of the commercials. The mentioned slogans are indeed examples of creativeness. This study primarily includes the commercials, ways to produce slogans and their characteristics, together with identifying the slogans in the commercials broadcasted in Turkey and Russia, created by using language games, which include brand names. Then, aforementioned slogans will be reviewed with regards to artistic stylistics, a sub branch of functional stylistics. Finally, similar and different aspects of the language games in Turkish and Russian commercials will be compared based on the findings obtained from the analyses.
doi:10.17265/2159-5836/2016.11.009 fatcat:k5hpaxu6gffxlhqkk3glihm7oq