Performance Evaluation of Gas Turbine-Fuel Cell Hybrid Micro Generation System

Shinji Kimijima, Nobuhide Kasagi
2002 Volume 2: Turbo Expo 2002, Parts A and B   unpublished
Design-point and part-load characteristics of a gas turbinesolid oxide fuel cell hybrid micro generation system, of which total power output is 30 kW, are investigated for its prospective use in the small distributed energy systems. A cycle analysis of the hybrid system has been performed to obtain general strategies of highly efficient operation and control. The method of analysis has been compared with previous results, of which power output values are set in the range from 287 to 519 kW.
more » ... , the part-load performance of the 30 kW system has been evaluated. Two typical operation modes, i.e., constant and variable rotation speed gas turbine operation are considered. It is found that the variable speed mode is more advantageous to avoid performance degradation under part-load conditions. Operating under this mode, despite of 10 % adiabatic efficiency drop in the gas turbine components, the generation efficiency can be maintained over 60 % (LHV) in the power output range from 50 to 100 %.
doi:10.1115/gt2002-30111 fatcat:ehl2leln2fejdipkk3os2cvy5u