Financing the research and development activity for the agri-food sector and rural areas

Adam Wasilewski, Anna Wasilewska
2019 Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development  
The objective of the study was to assess the level of acquiring funds from the Horizon 2020 programme by Polish institutions carrying out agricultural and rural development projects and to assess the internal financing of research in the field of agricultural science. For this assessment, we used primarily the studies on the literature of the subject and carried out an analysis of acquiring funds for research from the Horizon 2020 programme as well as of internal financing for the research and
more » ... evelopment activities. Based on these studies, it has been found that a consequence of the current scale of financing for the research and development activities could be a significant slowdown in the transfer of new knowledge and innovation to the agri-food sector and to rural areas, which, in turn, could be a barrier to implementing the concept of smart rural development.
doi:10.5937/wbjae1901029w fatcat:3kgii6ozbndrviclrt4in53sii