ANNATTO: Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Queries in Travel Time Networks

Wei-Shinn Ku, R. Zimmermann, Haojun Wang, Trung Nguyen
2006 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06)  
Nearest neighbor (NN) searches represent an important class of queries in geographic information systems (GIS). Most nearest neighbor algorithms rely on static distance information to compute NN queries (e.g., Euclidean distance or spatial network distance). However, the final goal of a user when performing an NN search is often to travel to one of the search results. Based on this observation, finding the nearest neighbors in terms of travel time is more realistic than the actual distance. In
more » ... he existing NN algorithms dynamic real-time events (e.g., traffic congestions, detours, etc.) are usually not considered and hence the pre-computed nearest neighbor objects may not accurately reflect the shortest travel time. In this demonstration we present ANNATTO, a novel adaptive nearest neighbor query model for travel time networks which integrates both spatial networks and real-time traffic event information. The ANNATTO system includes the implementation of a globalbased adaptive nearest neighbor algorithm and a localbased greedy nearest neighbor algorithm that both utilize real-time traffic information to provide adaptive nearest neighbor search results.
doi:10.1109/mdm.2006.37 dblp:conf/mdm/KuZWN06 fatcat:sv3ji6vsi5a63l2erypkxswmwm