Bunch length measurements in the SLC damping ring

F.-J. Decker, T. Limberg, M. Minty, M. Ross
Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators  
The synchrotron light of the SLC damping ring was used to measure the bunch length with a streak camera at different times in the damping cycle. There are bunch length oscillations after injection, different equilibrium length during the cycle due to rf manipulations to avoid microwave instability oscillations, and just before extraction there is a longitudinal phase space rotation (bunch muncher) to shorten the bunch length. Measurements under these different conditions are presented and
more » ... ed with BPM pulse height signals. Calibration and adjustment issues and the connection of the streak camera to the SLC control system are also discussed.
doi:10.1109/pac.1993.309347 fatcat:gramqc2ahrajjethhq3hfnvxu4