Magnetic Susceptibility of Quasi-two-dimensional Cuprate Antiferromagnets

Milica S. Rutonjski, Milan R. Pantić, Slobodan M. Radošević, Milica V. Pavkov-Hrvojević
2013 Journal of Research in Physics  
Parallel magnetic susceptibility temperature dependence of the high-TC superconducting parent compound La2CuO4 is calculated in both antiferromagnetic (AFM) and paramagnetic phase. By making use of the quantum Heisenberg three-dimensional AFM model including the in-plane spin anisotropy, the calculation is performed within the framework of three different theories: Green's function theory in random-phase approximation (RPA), linear spinwave (LSW) theory and mean-field (MF) theory. The results
more » ... ggest that at low temperatures quantum spin fluctuations play an important role, while at the temperatures above the critical one short-range correlations have a great impact on the behavior of the system. This leads to the discrepancy between RPA and MF results, since the later neglects the above phenomena. Further, LSW theory expectedly agrees with RPA results only at low temperatures where the magnon interactions are negligible. Comparison to the theoretical and experimental results quoted in literature confirms that RPA method presents the most appropriate method among the applied ones, suggesting that this approach is satisfactory in the case of the parallel magnetic susceptibility, while in order to reproduce the transversal one, spin-orbit coupling must be included.
doi:10.2478/jrp-2013-0002 fatcat:otf7kvkgjvazbiob5dzj27voza