Liquid-Liquid Dispersion with Mechanical Agitation

1975 Journal of the Japan Society of Colour Material  
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the difference of the specific gravity on the dispersion process with mechanical agitation. The apparatus consists of a cylindrical vessel (DT =150 mm) made of clear acrylic resin and Rushton-type impeller (D1=49 mm) . Water and a mixture of n-C71-116 and CC14 were used as the continuous phase and the dispersed phase. The specific gravity of the dispersed phase was prepared for the values of 1. 000, 1. 050, 1. 100, 1. 150 and 1. 200
more » ... mg) respectively. Agitation was continuously carried out at 530 rpm for 60 min. The * 1-22-1 Yoto-cho , Tanashi-shi, Tokyo 〔3〕 13
doi:10.4011/shikizai1937.48.151 fatcat:r6ujxgf6xzaxne4hk67qrh5fbu