Voltammetric Assay of Silver Ions in Frog's Tissue

Suw-Young Ly, Jin-Hui Lee, Chang-Hyun Lee
2013 Journal of the Korean Oil Chemists Society  
The electrochemical analysis of silver ion was performed using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square-wave (SW) stripping voltammetry, and electrode cell systems were fabricated with graphite pencil electrode (GE) of working, reference and counter electrodes. Also electrolyte was the use of sea water as electrolyte solutions instead of ionic controlled solutions. The optimum analytical conditions for the cyclic and stripping parameters were determined using GE. The results approached the microgram
more » ... orking ranges of SW(ug/L) and CV(ug/L) Ag, and the optimum conditions were applied to frog's tissue and the food samples.
doi:10.12925/jkocs.2013.30.1.139 fatcat:jorfqeffe5fnhgrp2x7wmpc2xu