Study on Flow Characteristics of Deposited Oil Film Formed by Sprayed Oil Droplets

2016 Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
Abstract:Spray lubrication is applied to aeronautic gear and aero-engine principal axis bearing chamber. The sprayed oil droplets impacte onto the surface of mechanical parts and then forme the deposited oil film. The flow characteristics of the deposited oil film have a great influence on the lubricating state of mechanical parts. However, the research of oil droplets impacting onto the solid wall and flowing on it is rarely to see and the previous studies are focused on the non-oil liquid
more » ... r the condition of normal impact. As a result, the existing research provided limited support for the relevant lubricating analysis of the mechanical parts. A sprayed oil droplet/wall oblique impact and deposited oil film flow characteristics numerical analysis model by VOF method and amended the numerical analysis model by experiment is established. The deposited oil film flow characteristics under the real aviation lubrication conditions by the numerical model is analyzed and the numerical results with foreign experimental results in the same conditions to verify the correctness and practical value of the numerical analysis model is compared. The study on flow characteristics of deposited oil film provided technical method and basic date for the aviation lubrication calculation and that would have remarkable engineering significance for the accurate lubrication design of the aviation mechanical parts.
doi:10.3901/jme.2016.23.160 fatcat:rpsxcdnwp5dhraxrquvhdkbs5a