Low mass glueballs in the meson spectrum

John F. Donoghue, K. Johnson, Bing An Li
1981 Physics Letters B  
The spectrum of bound states of gluons is discussed within the MIT bag model. We argue that (1) contrary to previous analysis there is no light exotic 1-+ state in the two gluon sector, (2) experiments on the three gluon sector can clearly differentiate the bag model from other models, (3) the state seen in J/qJ radiative decays at 1.4 GeV is most likely a pseudoscalar glueball, and (4) there should be a second 2 ++ state underneath the f(1270) resonance.
doi:10.1016/0370-2693(81)90560-8 fatcat:bq24gncjzfg5bdlsz6iymka6ea