The Study of Prediction Model of Enterprises' Operating Performance by Using Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm: Taking Intelligent Technology Industry in China for Example

Tian Wang, Jianbang Lin, Danni Hu
2018 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Economic and Business Management (FEBM 2018)   unpublished
With the unveiling of the "Made in China 2025" plan, the future of manufacturing has been transformed from "made in China" to "intelligent manufacturing in China" and it means that the new era of intelligent technology has come. However, there is still not a specific and effective model for predicting enterprises' operating performance because the development of intelligent technology industry in China started late. Therefore, this study applies fruit fly optimization algorithm to optimize
more » ... ple regression and construct the most appropriate model which can effectively predict the enterprises' operating performance of intelligent technology industry in China. The result shows it has good ability to optimize multiple regression by fruit fly optimization algorithm and obviously enhance the prediction performance.
doi:10.2991/febm-18.2018.90 fatcat:ip5tza72cbcrrf2zdm3s2yghvi