日本語初中級学習者の作文における誤用分析と指導法の一考察 : ベトナム語母語話者の誤用例を通し

京谷 美代子
Of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in language learning, one of the major burdens for Japanese learners without a basis of Kanji characters in their own language is the acquisition of writing skills. However, there are a wide variety of essays, such as writing questions for EJU, motivation for applying to the university, and manuscripts for presentations. But, compared to the development of conversational and listening comprehension skills, improvement in "writing"
more » ... kills is slower, pointing to further effort being required to establish a teaching methodology to address the problem. In this study, I collected essays written by Vietnamese learners of Japanese at an intermediate level and tried to analyze misuse of kanji, notation and grammar with a focus on vocabulary. By doing so, I analyzed any misuse expressions that ware affected by Vietnamese language, and identified more effective teaching methods for writing.
doi:10.15109/00000132 fatcat:otciemdd4vbqtcnbsqom6ssvai