Stress-Induced Angular Momentum Quenching in MgO:Fe2+as Observed by Mössbauer Spectroscopy

J. Chappert, A. Misetich, R. B. Frankel, N. A. Blum
1970 Physical Review B  
Under the influence of a suitable uniaxial stress, the quenching of the electronic angular momentum of the low-lying threefold degenerate rs o level of Fe 2 + in cubic MgO has been observed by Mossbauer spectroscopy. The result is consistent with Ham's model for the appearance of a quadrupole doublet at low temperatures. A value for the strain coefficient of Fe 2 + in MgO has been obtained: Gn = 585 em-I. z -2", 2", an "2, respectIve y.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.1.1929 fatcat:oj3eddtcpvhwvgq7mlph5np43e