Auditing Disease Similarity Matrix Toward Automated Generation of Disease Maps

Soichiro HIRABAYASHI, Takafumi SAIKAWA, Yoshihiko HAYAKAWA, Takashi OKUMURA
JSAI Technical Report, SIG-KBS  
To mitigate diagnostic errors by physicians, Shimizu proposed a methodology, "Pivot and Cluster Strategy", which employs a map of diseases, comprising a set of diseases in a plane, to indicate existence of incognizant diseases around a disease that a physician once focused in diagnostic process. The generation of the disease maps necessitates the similarity data between diseases, and thus, we have been investigating approaches to calculate the similarity between any given diseases, using
more » ... knowledge base. In this article, we address a problem to assure the quality of the generated similarity, and propose a method for efficient auditing of the disease similarity matrix.
doi:10.11517/jsaikbs.119.0_07 fatcat:mrj7paun2re6djyjlxg3nucggi