Comparative analysis of markers of cell proliferation in canine mast cell tumours according to current classifications

M. Kandefer-Gola, J.A. Madej, S. Dzimira, M. Nowak, I. Janus, R. Ciaputa
2015 Polish journal of veterinary sciences  
The study aimed at immunohistochemical analysis of various markers of cell proliferation and comparison of the results with canine mast cell tumours grading systems according to the Patnaik and Kiupel. Tissue sections were stained using classical technique with haematoxylin and eosin, and immunohistochemical studies were performed with Ki-67, PCNA and MCM-3 antibodies. Additionally the mitotic index was assessed. Statistical analysis including rank correlation Spearman's and ANOVA Friedman
more » ... sis was performed. The significance was set at p<0.05. Expression of all examined antigens was detected. The results obtained allow concluding that there is a strong relationship between all the cell markers. However, due to the very strong response and positive reaction in the majority of tumours PCNA is not recommended as a prognostic indicator. Ki-67 and MCM-3 can be successfully used in the evaluation of canine mast cell tumours.
doi:10.1515/pjvs-2015-0031 pmid:26172171 fatcat:zinglbxn45cttkkan6xlgxofru