An open source statistical and data processing toolbox for wide-field optical imaging in mice [article]

Lindsey M Brier, Joseph P Culver
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
Wide-field optical imaging (WOI) produces concurrent hemodynamic and cell-specific calcium recordings across the entire cerebral cortex. There have been multiple studies using WOI to image mouse models with various environmental or genetic manipulations to understand various diseases. Despite the obvious utility of pursuing mouse WOI alongside human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and the multitude of analysis toolboxes in the fMRI literature, there is not an available
more » ... user-friendly data processing and statistical analysis toolbox for WOI data. Here, we present our MATLAB toolbox for pre-processing WOI data, as described and adapted to combine processing techniques from multiple WOI groups. Additionally, we provide multiple data analysis packages and translate two commonly used statistical approaches from the fMRI literature to the WOI data. To illustrate the utility, we demonstrate the ability of the processing and analysis framework to detect a well-established deficit in a mouse model of stroke. Additionally, we evaluate resting state data in healthy mice.
doi:10.1101/2021.04.07.438885 fatcat:td43bnjagrfcfc7vmomohpek3a