Fuzzy Motion Interpolation for Mesh-Based Motion Estimation

Abouzar Eslami, Nasser Sadati, Mehran Jahed
2007 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing  
Mesh-based motion estimation is an important tool for video coding especially with low bit rate. In this paper, a new method for interpolating pixel motion from adjacent mesh nodes with the ability of omitting independent nodes is proposed. By exploiting fuzzy rules to determine the association of pixel and neighboring nodes, the proposed interpolation can detach pixels from some nodes. Consequently, it can deal with those critical patches on objects boundary which their nodes do not belong to
more » ... ne object. Updating the membership functions of each rule with specified strategy makes the interpolation adaptive with nonstationary conditions of image sequences and decreases sensitivity to initial selection of parameters. Experimental results show that the proposed method, in comparison with the conventional methods, increases the motion interpolation accuracy while does not accompanies with massive time cost and complexity.
doi:10.1109/ciisp.2007.369301 fatcat:nim54h5w55aije3muhnwoxa5xa