Choosing the patient for ambulatory stem cell transplantation

O.G. Cantu-Rodriguez, C.H. Gutierrez-Aguirre, O. Gonzalez-LLano, J.C. Jaime-Perez, R. Salazar-Riojas, O.L. Martinez-Gonzalez, D. Gomez-Almaguer
2005 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation  
Despite excellent survival of marrow transplantation (BMT) in acquired severe aplastic anemia (SAA) using sibling donors, graftversus-host disease (GVHD) continues to remain a major problem resulting in long-term complications and impaired quality of life. Between Aug 1989 and Aug 2004, 35 patients at our centre with acquired SAA underwent BMT from HLA-identical sibling donors using cyclophosphamide (CY) 50 mg/kg ϫ 4 (days Ϫ5 to Ϫ2) and anti-CD52 MoAb 0.75-1 mg/kg BW as conditioning. Prior to
more » ... 99, rat derived anti-CD52 MoAb (Campath-1G) was used. We switched to humanised version of anti-CD52 MoAb (Alemtuzumab) when it became available in 1999. Median age at BMT was 17 yrs (range 4 -46). Prior to BMT, 58% were heavily transfused
doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2004.12.102 fatcat:dwrirmzgmrbohp47uw5qs7ew7u