Burkitt s lymphoma: a child s case presenting in the maxilla. Clinical and radiological aspects

B. Valenzuela-Salas, A. Dean-Ferrer, FJ. Alamillos-Granados
2010 Medicina Oral  
Burkitt´s lymphoma (BL) is a neoplasm which, despite its very aggressive behaviour is potentially curable. It typically affects the paediatric population. BL belongs to the non-Hodgkin lymphomas group, and is the first human tumour undoubtedly related to a viral origin (Epstein-Barr virus). Two main clinical subtypes are recognized: endemic or African type, and sporadic type; HIV associated BL constitutes a third type. Although common in endemic BL, maxillary involvement is rare in sporadic
more » ... s. This, together with the clinical lack of specificity associated to this location, makes diagnosis difficult. New chemotherapeutic protocols achieve a high survival rate. Most important prognostic factors are location and tumour stage. We report a paediatric case of BL presenting in the maxilla, with a review and a description of the characteristics of the disease.
doi:10.4317/medoral.15.e479 fatcat:vh6x5fagjfhcnbtb4cx6cgfeiu