Российская историческая полонистика XIX века как часть отечественной славистики

Larisa Arzhakova
2021 Annales de Lettres et Sciences Humaines  
This article presents a brief overview of the history of Russian historical Polonistics in the 19th century, which was an integral part of Russian Slavistics, but acted according to other laws which were subject to the dynamics of Russian-Polish relations. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the formation and development of Russian historical Polonistics, which made it possible to clarify its previously accepted periodisation. This article notes the interdependence between the
more » ... sh question and Polonistic studies, which is characteristic of Russia in the 19th century, but only recently reflected in modern historiography. The author of the article suggests considering Russian historical Polonistics as the experience of Russian-Polish dialogue in the context of the long 19th century.
doi:10.18290/rh21697-2 fatcat:l3v7weztr5bmlgjtpctkjbnr6e