Lesions of the Round Ligament and Canal of Nuck - It's Not Always an Inguinal Hernia: A Review

Debra Heller
Lesions arising in the round ligament and canal of Nuck are uncommon, and may prove challenging to clinicians. Objectives: To review the scope of lesions affecting the round ligament and canal of Nuck. Methods: A literature review was conducted. A Medline search was used, using the round ligament, canal of Nuck, uterine neoplasms, female. Results: Reported lesions of the round ligament and canal of Nuck were reviewed. Many of these lesions can be mistaken for each other clinically. Conclusions:
more » ... A review of the scope of rectovaginal lesions is presented to assist in developing a differential diagnosis if a patient with such a lesion is encountered..
doi:10.7282/t3154k88 fatcat:5nzmm6x5ingcpok2xlnsf6jd3u