The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, April 29, 1927] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
War b IX Preveal Etcan if Ki Naakag Affak. A"ril î.«« N.nk,"« "y ob.«, K*. I ennu CourU Will Be Shrk. l»ororccd '<»wniii« ol the ( fnir») a«»«.l lh«« ,i,h a p«""^ rapwluio. Sa«rt. T,»«» "U ukc pla^r April » I, " d"i"4 .1 ««hly thuaiand [ » rriKjricd in a.ia«.« ad-I... r™r:h:::';S7^irr.'sr;; emir« aray of firr ilrr »«€. releaa-«•» 'orattitt water, » the hope New trlrani wrwld rKapr froa the flood mown* d.w. the rirer frra, ,h. P the Y, and -Aher Thca adrkr, t.4d of the the railway bed Kian«. k
more » ... iiiff th!, to orercat anat|j froa Nankiai. I the tlvb wili he a^irfied with drwen raniwt,. i« be n,ed of the cntlioii of ; thna awabert who are not •nooled t.han«, MipiKwter, interfiret the a< wi a, an aiportant defeat f.w the Ra tal KrtKW Ol the CantoMw. and at e firtt tiep m Chaa, . tampaiffa lo rtt otM ptaithaeal lor the Nankinc | "MONS" NANAMOAND -SIEYEDORESMCST PLAY TOMORROW OfTwad. F»1 Ceeal l.jalir. W..M U Mead Oa t. N-a-Cie, if * W Al RrwiU FBa. Naw b, of prrpariii.ei i r pr.elortiuo of a f.n.1 ,d fl1a wa. tabled It kiwi the r e id the War Office, \ ancoairr. ,\pril t* -Enp re Moedore, aad Naamtao C ity dered by the fonthan c. diwe, aad Xi drfr.
doi:10.25316/ir-4057 fatcat:ih6rcxpfhzeovgen2zpyf556z4