A New Approach to Image Segmentation with Two-Dimensional Hidden Markov Models

Josef Baumgartner, Ana Georgina Flesia, Javier Gimenez, Julian Pucheta
2013 2013 BRICS Congress on Computational Intelligence and 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence  
Image segmentation is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision. In this work, we present a new segmentation algorithm that is based on the theory of twodimensional hidden Markov models (2D-HMM). Unlike most 2D-HMM approaches we do not apply the Viterbi Algorithm, instead we present a computationally efficient algorithm that propagates the state probabilities through the image. This approach can easily be extended to higher dimensions. We compare the proposed method with a 2D-HMM
more » ... rd algorithm and Iterated Conditional Modes using real world images like a radiography or a satellite image as well as synthetic images. The experimental results show that our approach is highly capable of condensing image segments. This gives our algorithm a significant advantage over the standard algorithm when dealing with noisy images with few classes.
doi:10.1109/brics-cci-cbic.2013.43 fatcat:i7mhwxsw2rbl7ohspuz4glwrdm