Formation of Y2O3 and Y2O3:Eu(III) by Electrodeposition in Organic Electrolyte

Yoshiharu MATSUDA, Kenji IMAHASHI, Nobuko YOSHIMOTO, Masayuki MORITA, Masaki HAGA
1993 Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan  
Formation of yttrium oxide by electrodeposition was studied in DMF containing YCl3 and a small amount of water, and rectangular pulse electrodeposition technique was applied. Y 2 O 3 was formed during the electrodeposition, and Y2O3 : Eu (III) film was formed also in DMF containing YCl3, EuCl3 and a small amount of water. The deposited film was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, EPMA, XPS and SEM. The deposited Y2O3 : Eu ( III) film showed photoluminescence and cathode luminescence (red-orange color).
doi:10.4139/sfj.44.672 fatcat:lfeoz3urdfernjubcxa4t3baxu