Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Li0.97+δTi0.03Fe0.97Mn0.03PO4/C Composite Cathode Material

Zhi-Yuan TANG
2008 Journal of Inorganic Materials  
1. º ¿¼ £ 300072; 2. ¾ »¹ ½ £¾ 511483)° ¬·Ñ Fe0.97 Mn0.03PO4 ¬¤AE ££¸´ ½ Ìà Li 0.97+δ Ti0.03Fe0.97Mn0.03- Abstract: The composite cathode material of Li 0.97+δ Ti 0.03 Fe 0.97 Mn 0.03 PO 4 /C was synthesized by carbothermal reduction of Fe 0.97 Mn 0.03 PO 4 which was prepared by co-precipitation method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, FTIR absorption spectra, and their electrochemical performances were investigated in terms of rate discharge
more » ... cycling behavior. The results show that Li 0.97+δ Ti 0.03 Fe 0.97 Mn 0.03 PO 4 /C samples are simple pure olive-type phase, and the particles are homogeneous with average particle size of about 1µm. The ion dopants of Mn 4+ and Ti 4+ do not affect the structure of the material. Compared with LiFePO 4 /C, the composite compound Li 0.97+δ Ti 0.03 Fe 0.97 Mn 0.03 PO 4 /C exhibits good electrode properties with discharge capacities of 134.0, 133.4, 130.1 and 127.2mAh·g −1 at 0.2, 1, 5 and 10C rates, respectively. In addition, it shows excellent cycle stability at different rates.
doi:10.3724/sp.j.1077.2008.00295 fatcat:ocdqo2mkvvemzodckphbo5tiga