A.4. The trust fund of Phaenia Aromation (IG V.1 1208) and imperial Gytheion

Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
2010 Studia Humaniora Tartuensia  
In the small town of Gytheion in southern Laconia two marble blocks were found, containing the regulations for a trust fund from the year 42 AD (IG V,1 1208; SEG 13,258). The text will be presented with new emendations and an English translation. In my commentary I present the general background of the donor, Phaenia Aromation, and concentrate on a discussion of the juridical problems that the text poses. A detailed analysis of the procedural prescriptions forms the centre of this paper.
doi:10.12697/sht.2004.5.a.4 fatcat:7taoodgodjb6vgxl4audfe77oi