The first Cape Town Cardiac Diseases in Pregnancy Symposium

Feriel Azibani, Karen Sliwa
2017 European Heart Journal  
The SA-UK workshop targets clinical and basic science PhD students in their later years of study. This is a critical time when students are trying to decide what they will do after completing their PhD. The aim of the informal format of the European-South African workshop introduces them to a network of potential national and international postdoctoral supervisors. This first-ever Symposium in Africa to discuss women's cardiac disorders during pregnancy attracted leaders from Europe in 2016
more » ... al interaction between European and South African students inbetween visits of research facilities at the University of Stellenbosch. Profs Lionel Opie (L) and Amanda Lochner (R) from South Africa enjoying the opportunity to give their inputs on the scientific presentations of the young European and South African researchers.
doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehx093 fatcat:u6zsjxhrvje65bhu5igulk66gu