Dermatoglyphs, the importance and application

N. Djukic-Macut, T. Filipovic, P. Mandic
2015 Praxis Medica  
Koža koja oblaže naše telo, ima ulogu školjke, tako da njen specifični "naborani" izgled odgovara grebenima.Tragovi koji ostaju na predmetima od "šara" na našim prstima zovu se otisci pratiju-dermatoglifi.Ove "šare" čine raznovrsne konfiguracije,karakteristične za svakog čoveka.Dermatoglifi su poligenetski determinisana svojstva,čiji izgled i brojnost određuju specifični geni.Obrasci kože su usko povezani sa strukturom nervnih završetaka u vrhovima prstiju.Što ukazuje na veoma preciznu
more » ... t u karakteristikama dizajna ljudskog mozga.Na osnovu toga možemo mnogo naučiti o nervnom sistemu, funkcijama, temperamentu i karakteru.Svedoci smo sve većeg značaja i primene dermatoglifa u svakodnevnom životu. Klučne reči: koža, šare na koži, dermatoglifi. SUMMARY The skin that covers our body has the role of the shells, so its specific "wrinkled" look corresponds the reefs. The traces that remain on the subjects of "pattern" on our fingers called fingerprints-dermatoglyphs. These "patterns" consisting of various configurations, characteristic of every man. Dermatoglyphs are polygenic determined properties, whose appearance and the number of identified specific genes. Forms skin are closely related to the structure of nerve endings in the fingertips. Indicating a very precise correlation characteristics in the design of the human brain. Based on this, we can learn much about the nervous system functions, temperament and character. We are witnessing the increasing importance and application of dermatoglyphics in everyday life.
doi:10.5937/pramed1501091d fatcat:db3vnimkrve75fbjuix643by2q