課題学習の可能性と危険性 : 「課題学習の日常化」を目論む
Some Possibilities and Risks in Assignment Learning : A Study into Incorporating Assignment Learning into Everyday Classroom Activities

Masachika INOUE
1993 Research Journal of Educational Methods  
In secondary school mathematics classrooms , teachers sti11 remaln engaged in transmitting existirlg knowledge to thelr students . This traditional ' transmission mod ご has been the norm for many years. Students work to digest the questions provided by teachers and textbooks . Creativity is absent froln this teacher − centered methoCl of instruction , and there is no placeforstudents to dlscover rules forthemselves through inductiQr1 , The Education Ministry Mollbusho has proposed in its "
more » ... sted Study Outline " issued to all teachers , that Kadai Gakztshzt ( Assignment Learning )be tised as a method of Qvercoming the resulting student passivity and making classes morestudent − centered . Although this study holds out promise and expectations , we Inust be alert to the inherent risks involved in such an undertaking . The author first analyzes and acknowledges the strengths and weaknesses of this prQposaL He next reports on an attempt to incorpora ヒ e Assignment Learning into the existing scheme of study by introducing topicaI materials , He concludes that is a danger of overload as ヒ eachers are expected to cover ヒ he pre − existing syllabus in addition to using Assignment Learning .
doi:10.18971/nasemjournal.18.0_83 fatcat:sjooir3lx5dexirdwawtdxpfwi