Simultaneous Estimation of Atmospheric Correction Paramters, Surface Temperature and Spectral Emissivity using Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner Data

Hideyuki TONOOKA, Shuichi ROKUGAWA, Takashi HOSHI
1997 Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan  
Thermal infrared multispectral sensor data should be atmospherically corrected for estimating surface temperature and spectral emissivity. For land observations , a common method for it is using transmittance, path radiance and sky radiance estimated by a radiative transfer code such as MODTRAN. However , this method has the disadvantage that it requires both the atmospheric profile data simultaneously observed and the digital elevation model (DEM); if the quality of these data is low , the
more » ... spherically corrected data is unreliable. We will, therefore, suggest a new method for estimating atmospheric correction parameters , surface temperature and spectral emissivity without the atmospheric profile data and the DEM .
doi:10.11440/rssj1981.17.129 fatcat:pnbb3wftynbmfc5igcrv4n4ghm