Factors Affecting Six Sigma Project Selection In The Information Systems/Information Technology Arena

James J. Divoky
2011 Review of Business Information Systems (RBIS)  
The success of Six Sigma organization-wide requires that projects be resolved in a successful fashion and that the organization realize the benefits that these projects are supposed to deliver. The success of information systems (IS) and information technology (IT) projects depends on these projects being developed in such a way that they are deployed error free. The two development methods are different and the result is that many IS/IT personnel do not see where or how Six Sigma can be
more » ... to their area. In this paper, we discuss factors that are unique to the IS/IT environment that need to be considered when selecting Six Sigma IS/IT projects so that both sets of objectives can be successfully realized.
doi:10.19030/rbis.v12i4.4341 fatcat:nevweidgbraujkpjsq6khgurde