The Research of 3D Modeling between Visual & Creativity

The 3-Dimensional method are grown rapidly and the technology to generate an animation in 3D also having a series of evolved rapidly where Western animation industries pioneered this animation method. 3D animation become a method to producing an animation. In creative multimedia industries, Character modeling are the most important step to make an animation. Character modelling are in Pre-Production process which the animator and the character designers will modeling the character in
more » ... al method. This paper will discuss about the method are using in 3D modeling and parts of the whole process of modeling in 3D. This paper also will discuss about the pipeline of modeling a character in 3D. The whole process into 3D modeling, UV mapping, and model texturing. Modeling the human from the basic shape until form a human shape and form. This paper also will discuss about the development of 3D modeling in Malaysia refers to the famous animation film in Malaysia.
doi:10.35940/ijitee.k1029.09811s219 fatcat:aolxzgvznfdk3neqcuxos7jbhe