Using HCI Principles to Design Interactive Learning Material

Juanita T Terblanche
2014 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences  
The aim of this paper is to reflect on the design process followed to create interactive learning material for 1st year students at the North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus (NWU VTC). The interactive learning material was created for a theory based module named Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Traditional paper-based study material was translated into interactive learning material during the design process of the artefact. The study followed the design science research framework for the
more » ... creation of the artefact. The artefact was then evaluated by its users. The goal of the paper is to highlight important HCI principles which were found appropriate to adhere to when designing interactive learning material.
doi:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n21p377 fatcat:i57i7wwu3zdyfapu76rolxgbh4