Tipicità e identità autentica nel turismo gastronomico e alimentare contemporaneo: verso un paradigma di responsabilità

Stefano Spillare
Typicalness and authentic identity in contemporary food and culinary tourism: towards a responsible paradigm. -The aim of this paper is to show how the link of food and the "typical" culinary productions with the local areas does represent a "vector" to their "authentic identity" and how it could become a potential tourist resource. Effectively, the ongoing globalization phenomenon represents either as a challenge and an opportunity for the identity of local areas. Thus, the attempt is also to
more » ... ighlight how the different interpretation and realization of this identity (in a constructivist perspective), could have a concrete impact on the agro-touristic model, as well as on the local agro-food chain and, ultimately, on the entire model of territorial development.
doi:10.20373/2283-3102/77 fatcat:2uqhinloezcydbr3evfxd47kou