Stop Clickbait: Detecting and preventing clickbaits in online news media

Abhijnan Chakraborty, Bhargavi Paranjape, Sourya Kakarla, Niloy Ganguly
2016 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)  
Most of the online news media outlets rely heavily on the revenues generated from the clicks made by their readers, and due to the presence of numerous such outlets, they need to compete with each other for reader attention. To attract the readers to click on an article and subsequently visit the media site, the outlets often come up with catchy headlines accompanying the article links, which lure the readers to click on the link. Such headlines are known as Clickbaits. While these baits may
more » ... ck the readers into clicking, in the longrun, clickbaits usually don't live up to the expectation of the readers, and leave them disappointed. In this work, we attempt to automatically detect clickbaits and then build a browser extension which warns the readers of different media sites about the possibility of being baited by such headlines. The extension also offers each reader an option to block clickbaits she doesn't want to see. Then, using such reader choices, the extension automatically blocks similar clickbaits during her future visits. We run extensive offline and online experiments across multiple media sites and find that the proposed clickbait detection and the personalized blocking approaches perform very well achieving 93% accuracy in detecting and 89% accuracy in blocking clickbaits. 2. 3. IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2016, August 18-21, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA 978-1-5090-2846-7/16/$31.00 c 2016 IEEE
doi:10.1109/asonam.2016.7752207 dblp:conf/asunam/ChakrabortyPKG16 fatcat:klkkddwxp5emjkrahlkn2qjqji