The Services

1930 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
502 SEPT. 20, 1930} MEDICAL NEWS. t BtBu1RTK5' MEDICAL JOUnu Bromsgrove in 1894, and soon bu-ilt up a large practice, finding congenial surgicalwork at the local cottage hospital. Dr. Ball was twice married; after his second miiarriage in 1902 he took charge of his stepfather's practice at Stradbroke, Suffolk. He retired in 1913, and went to livein Warwickslire, but on the outbreak of war resumed practice, acting as locumtenent for mnedical mlien engaged in military service. Soon after the end
more » ... f the war he settled finally in Oxford. Dr. Ball was an outstanding figure in the medical and social life of every town in wlhich he practised.
doi:10.1136/bmj.2.3637.502-b fatcat:ndj5dc5bmvezfaeb2youvsvyxu