High performance wireless sensor network localisation system

Michal Marks, Ewa Niewiadomska Szynkiewicz, Joanna Kolodziej
2014 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing  
In this paper we summarize the results of our research concerned with the development, implementation and evaluation of a software framework for wireless sensor networks localization -High Performance Localization System (HPLS). The system can be used to calculate positions of sensing devices (network nodes) in the deployment area, and to tune and verify various localization schemes through simulation. It provides tools for data acquisition from a workspace, estimation of inter-node distances,
more » ... alculation of geographical coordinates of all nodes with unknown position and results evaluation. Received Signal Strength measurements are utilized to support the localization process. Trilateration, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm are applied to calculate the geographical coordinates of network nodes. The utility, efficiency and scalability of the proposed localization system HPLS have been justified through simulation and testbed implementation. The calculations have been done in parallel using the map-reduce paradigm and the HPC environment formed by a cluster of servers. The testbed networks were formed by sensor devices manufactured by Advantic Technology (clones of TelosB platform). A provided case study demonstrates the localization accuracy obtained for small-, medium-and large-size multihop networks.
doi:10.1504/ijahuc.2014.065776 fatcat:6h6btjopvbdore5mlzp6ud4agu