Incidence of Undiagnosed and Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Admitted for Elective Surgery: A Multicentric Study at, Jaipur

Dr Mushtaq Ahmad, Dr Jaswant Goyal, Dr Ram Mohan Jaiswal, Dr Prerna Upadhyaya, Dr Pushpawati Jain, Dr Anusha Vohra
2012 International Journal of Scientific Research  
Among the total population of patients admitted to surgical wards, 289 patients, both diagnosed and undiagnosed were recorded as type 2 diabetics. The patients were allocated to four treatment groups receiving different treatment regimens for metabolic control. The characteristics of each patient and the incidence of diagnosed and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus were recorded and compared. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in mean age of the patients in different treatment
more » ... . Interestingly, 43.59% of the patients recorded were undiagnosed type 2 DM as compared to 56.41% diagnosed diabetic patients admitted for elective surgery. 57% of patients were associated with hypertension, 14.53% with hormonal disease, 2.07% with liver disease and 2.6% with other ailments. This study reveals the percentage of incidence of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus almost equal to diagnosed type 2 diabetics at different participating study centers in Jaipur. There is a strong need for awareness, patient education and more importantly early diagnosis of the diabetes to reduce its, long and short term complications.
doi:10.15373/22778179/july2013/89 fatcat:ppscpdj3fjdpbnngfn3bemhfj4