Does inclusive pion DCX drop rapidly above 0.5 GeV?

A. P. Krutenkova
2006 AIP Conference Proceedings  
The forward inclusive pion double charge exchange reaction, 16 O(jt~,jr + )X, at TQ -0.50, and 0.75 GeV has been studied in the kinematic region where an additional pion production is forbidden by energy-momentum conservation. The experiment was performed with the SKS spectrometer at KEK PS. The measured ratio of forward double charge exchange cross-section for these energies (da(0.50 GeV)/dQ) / (da(0.75 GeV)/dQ) = 1.7 dt 0.2, disagrees with the value of 7.2 predicted within the conventional
more » ... uential single charge exchange mechanism. Possible reasons for the disagreement are discussed in connection with the Glauber inelastic rescatterings.
doi:10.1063/1.2220318 fatcat:nfzcxl6kgbchvn65dwyzsn4ni4