SPECTシステムにおける空間分解能改善 : ベッセル関数を点拡がり関数とする投影画像の逆畳み込み

劉 赫
This work presents a de-blurring method of images obtained by a Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) system. The point spread function of a SPECT system with a single-pinhole collimeter can be approximated by a Bessel Function. We produced projection images by a Monte-Carlo simulation and applied a de-convolution with the PSF. In the simulation, we applied a pinhole collimeter with sizes of 2, 3, 4 mm, and de-convolute 1 big circle phantom, 5 small circles phantom at different
more » ... e and 1 brain phantom As a result, the proposed method significantly improved the spatial resolution of the reconstructed images. This result suggests that large pinholes for a SPECT system can provide both sensitivity and spatial resolution.
doi:10.15002/00022911 fatcat:zvribbag6nh6bd7xgrw5qrshwe