Podolsky propagator in the gap and bound-state equations

Bruno El-Bennich, German Ramos-Zambrano, Eduardo Rojas
2021 Physical Review D  
Based on the generalized quantum electrodynamics expression for the Podolsky propagator, which preserves gauge invariance for massive photons, we propose a model for the massive gluon propagator that reproduces well-known features of established strong-interaction models in the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger equation. By adjusting the Podolsky mass and the coupling strength we thus construct a model with simple analytical properties known from perturbative theory, yet well suited to describe
more » ... confining interaction. We obtain solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the quark at spacelike momenta on the real axis as well as on the complex plane and solving the bound-state problem with the Bethe-Salpeter equation yields masses and weak decay constants of the π, K and η c in excellent agreement with experimental values, while the D and D s are reasonably well described. The analytical simplicity of this effective interaction has the potential to be useful for phenomenological applications and may facilitate calculations in Minkowski space.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.103.076008 fatcat:7o2yt4avdzculf4cv5jxlvhtda