O-366 Vaccine Hesitancy among Canadian Paramedics during the COVID-19 Pandemic

David O'Neill, Tracy Kirkham, Paul Demers, Christopher MacDonald, Brian Grunau, Julie Bettinger, David Goldfarb, Jennie Helmer
2021 Oral Presentations   unpublished
study assessed the impact of 1) within-individual improvements, and 2) within-individual deteriorations in working conditions, health behaviour and BMI on changes in work ability and self-rated health among workers. Methods The Dutch Study on Transitions in Employment, Ability and Motivation (STREAM) was used to identify participants whose working conditions, health behaviour, and BMI improved (N=14,045) or deteriorated (N=14,066) at least once during seven year follow-up
more » ... )(2014)(2015)(2016)(2017). The impact of within-individual improvements and deteriorations in health behaviour (moderate-and vigorous physical activity, smoking status), BMI, psychosocial (psychological-and emotional job demands, autonomy, social support) and physical working conditions in a given year on changes in work ability (0-10 scale) and self-rated health (1-5 scale) in the same year were analysed with fixed-effects regression models. Results Workers with deteriorated physical or psychosocial working conditions decreased in work ability (b's: -0.21 (95%
doi:10.1136/oem-2021-epi.153 fatcat:m32g56rp3ndwpgqdewwe3nmkxi