Design and Calibration of a Polychromator for the Thomson Scattering at Wendelstein 7-X

S. Schmuck, A. Dinklage, R. Fischer, J. P. Knauer, B. Kurzan, H.-D. Murmann, E. Pasch, Hans-Jürgen Hartfuss, Michel Dudeck, Jozef Musielok, Marek J. Sadowski
2008 AIP Conference Proceedings  
On Wendelstein 7-X, electron density and electron temperature profiles are planned to be measured by Thomson scattering. The specific system employs fiber bundles for the scattered light which is detected by means of a five-channel polychromator system. The detection system is assembled and its components are characterized. A calibration technique employing a super-continuum light source is assessed by comparison with a calibration technique using an optical parametric oscillator laser system.
more » ... he characterization is preparing further diagnostic optimization studies employing a virtual instrument.
doi:10.1063/1.2909107 fatcat:ixxon3irnbd3dhjymetfgx5eeq